APOD makes a difference to the well-being of military families in Australia.

Over the past four years, we have now delivered over $55.5M in savings back to military families

May, 2024

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$55.5M in financial benefits makes a difference to the well-being of military families in Australia.

Military families in Australia face unique challenges that can significantly impact their wellbeing. The sacrifices made by service members are immense, and these sacrifices often extend to their families. Financial stability plays a crucial role in ensuring the overall health and wellbeing of military families.

Military life can be unpredictable, with frequent relocations, deployments, and the transition back to civilian life. These factors can make it challenging for military families to maintain a stable financial footing. Unexpected expenses, gaps in employment for spouses, and the need for frequent moves can strain household budgets.

APOD (Australian Partners of Defence) was founded with this lived experience and understanding. The drive and the knowledge that if we could get more businesses to recognise the military community, not just on Anzac or Remembrance Day, it would make a difference to the financial well-being of military families.

“The $55.5 million in savings we’ve delivered over the past four years is a testament to our commitment to improving the wellbeing of our defence community.”

- Paul Broadbridge, APOD CEO

APOD member Yvette feedback on using APOD savings and benefits to help her family

What is Financial Wellbeing?

Our team is in a privileged position. Through our daily engagement with the defence community, we hear firsthand how the savings that our community receives can have a small to significant impact.

Over the past four years, we have now delivered over $55.5M in savings back to military families, and this is a collaborative saving, where your own money has been stretched further.

Paul Broadbridge, APOD CEO, stated, “At APOD, we understand the unique challenges faced by military families. Our mission is to ease their financial burdens by providing meaningful discounts that stretch budgets further. The $55.5 million in savings we’ve delivered over the past four years is a testament to our commitment to improving the wellbeing of our defence community. Together, with the support of our partners, we can continue to make a real difference in the lives of those who have sacrificed so much for our country.”

Through our engagement, five key areas have emerged where discounts have made a significant impact:

  1. A Buffer Against the Rising Cost of Living: Small discounts on fuel, groceries, and utilities through to more discretionary items such as replacing household items or buying a gift. Each small discount adds up, creating a buffer that helps stretch the budget further. In some cases, these discounts allow for savings that can cover unexpected costs like emergency medical expenses, car repairs, or last-minute travel. This financial cushion can reduce stress and anxiety, providing a sense of security and stability for the family.
  2. Veteran suicide: Financial stress is a significant factor contributing to mental health issues among veterans. The transition from military to civilian life can be challenging, often accompanied by financial difficulties. Financial instability can exacerbate feelings of hopelessness and depression, which are risk factors for suicide. We have heard firsthand how access to discounts has helped relieve financial pressures, whether by filling up the car, helping with groceries, or enabling a family to dine out. Ensuring that military families have adequate savings can help mitigate these risks by providing a safety net during difficult times.
  3. Domestic Violence: Financial strain can contribute to domestic violence. In situations where money is tight, stress levels can rise, leading to conflicts within the household. Feedback indicates that the discounts received have certainly helped reduce pressure. More importantly, they have empowered individuals in abusive situations to leave, knowing the limited funds they have will go further to support them while they get back on their feet.
  4. Homelessness: Homelessness is another critical issue faced by some military families and veterans. Financial savings can be the key to preventing homelessness by providing the funds needed to secure housing during times of transition or financial hardship. We know that those who access discounts from APOD range from those who need the savings just to survive to those who are financially well off.
  5. Building a Secure Future: For military families, financial planning and savings are not just about immediate needs but also about building a secure future. Savings can help fund education for children, provide for a comfortable retirement, and ensure that the family is prepared for whatever challenges may come their way.

APOD member Yvette feedback on using APOD savings and benefits to help her family


Financial wellbeing is essential for military families in Australia, and discounts are a direct contributor to this wellbeing. They provide a buffer against the uncertainties of military life, reduce stress, and help mitigate risks associated with veteran suicide, domestic violence, and homelessness. We are proud to see that APOD has contributed conservatively $55.5 million back to veteran families, and we look forward to seeing this increase exponentially as we work with our community and retail business partners.

Ensuring the financial wellbeing of military families is not just a matter of individual responsibility; it’s a collective effort that requires support from the broader community, government, and non-profit organisations. Together, we can help our military families thrive.

APOD member Angus feedback on using APOD savings and benefits to help his family

If you are in financial stress, please reach out to organisations such as Open Arms – Veterans & Families Counselling, Bravery Trust, Defence Families of Australia, and the ADF Financial Services Consumer Centre. These organisations offer valuable assistance in financial planning, mental health support, and more.

Contact Details
ADF Financial Services Consumer Centre - https://adfconsumer.gov.au/
Bravery Trust - https://braverytrust.org.au/
Defence Families of Australia - https://dfa.org.au/
Defence Member and Family Support - https://www.defence.gov.au/adf-members-families
Open Arms – Veterans & Families Counselling - https://www.openarms.gov.au/